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Buy secondhand room guide

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Buyers guide>

If you do not want to hire the life of the room too again, or you want to improve living condition, but the economic condition as a result of you is not quite bounteous, buy bridal chamber to return some within sight but beyond reaches to you, so buy secondhand the room also is a right choice.

The first pace: Room source is collected

You can collect from the following way secondhand the room cause news of the room: Company of media of professional estate website, newspaper, intermediary.

1, professional estate website: In channel of northward net estate secondhand those who a large number of newest intermediary companies and freedom are released is collect in room source column all sorts of secondhand room information, you can pass the condition such as choice area, price, room area to have fast inquiry in the column, also can choose detailed condition to have more thorough inquiry. You still can be in what you release in this column to beg buy information.

2, newspaper media: Of Tianjin newspaper, daily tonight the fixed column of new newspaper can be published regularly a lot of secondhand the Fangyuan information of the room, this also is the important way that you collect room source.

3, intermediary company: At present most intermediary company is dealt with secondhand house business business, can search room cause news to intermediary company, but offer a piece of advice you must look for aptitude and card to take complete intermediary company, lest be deceived.