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Construction ministry announces: Room of carry out of individual of the part sin

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Policies and regulations>

Yesterday, construction ministry was announced " build housing report [2005]35 date informs " . Announcement requirement, after June 1, the individual buys time more than 2 years to export carry out (contain 2 years) , the housing that accords with the common housing standard that place announces, but lest impose business tax. To May 31, each district should announce our region to enjoy the common housing level of favourable policy.  

This announcement sets, after June 1, the housing that the individual will buy time to be not worth 2 years sells external, should sum imposes business tax. After June 1, the individual buys time more than 2 years to export carry out (contain 2 years) , the   that accords with the common housing standard that place announces
When housing, should hold this housing be located, area of volume ratio, building, clinch a deal the proof material such as the price, and the other data that cess Wu branch asks, to cess Wu branch application is dealt with avoid impose business tax procedures. It is those who coordinate this one favourable policy to carry out, this year before May 31, each district should announce our region to enjoy the common housing level of favourable policy.  

In addition, if the individual will buy time more than 2 years (contain 2 years) housing is sold external, but cannot offer the proof material that belongs to common housing or classics examine and verify not to accord with rated condition, will uniform impose business tax by the concerned policy that is not common housing.